Usage CLI

This plugin is an extension of the simple_wbd API helper. For more information look at the original source.


This is a starting point for all code snippets below.

from orangecontrib.wbd import api_wrapper
api = api_wrapper.IndicatorAPI()

Getting countries

You can filter the final dataset by specific countries. But the World Bank Data API includes aggregate regions and some non standard ISO country codes. You can get all possible codes with


This will return a list of all country data. When writing the query you can use the alpha-2 or alpha-3 country code.

Getting indicators

There are around 18k indicators currently on World Band Data API. Since most of them do not have any data in, the default indicator filter is set for Common. You can also fetch all and featured indicators.

# get all common indicators
indicators = api.get_indicators()

featured_indicators = api.get_indicators(filter_="featured")

all_indicators = api.get_indicators(filter_=None)

Fetching data

Fetching data for a single indicator

dataset = api.get_dataset("")
dataset = api.get_dataset([""])  # this is the same call

The API will return our modified Indicator dataset that can generate an Orange table.

# Get indicator data with countries in rows and dates in columns.

# Get time series data where dates are in rows and each column
# represents data for one country.

Fetching data for multiple indicators

dataset = api.get_dataset([

You can get an Orange table same as with single indicator, the only difference here is that column headers will have indicator prefix. So in this case, each column would appear 3 times with a different indicator prefix and data.